Winter Warmth in Collingswood

Winter weddings are always so stunning when color is brought in to match the warm feelings of love in the air. It puts a smile on everyone’s face, seeing the bright magentas, fresh evergreens, and bold blooms that Kate choose for her special day. The florals really matched the couple’s bright and fun personality! Photography: […]

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December 14, 2022

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Winter weddings are always so stunning when color is brought in to match the warm feelings of love in the air. It puts a smile on everyone’s face, seeing the bright magentas, fresh evergreens, and bold blooms that Kate choose for her special day. The florals really matched the couple’s bright and fun personality!

Details on the morning of the special day, Kate’s bold bouquet and beautiful shoes
Special moments
The couple looking absolutely stunning. Kate’s bouquet features bright red peonies, magenta protea, thistle, roses, and seasonal evergreens
Loving those winter furs for the ladies!
Tying the knot in front of the beautiful staircase at the Collingswood Grand Ballroom.
Such a colorful and bright sweetheart table!
The cake brought to life with an elaborate winter floral and evergreen arrangement

Photography: @alimariophoto

Venue: @collingswoodgrandballroom



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